Friday 24 February 2012

Donald Judd

An object in space, the space around an object, what surrounds it, within and between, these are many of the factors considered when architects and designers design, arrange, position, array, organize space and the furniture that is needed within the space. Donald Judd's objects made of industrial and building materials of wood, metal, plastic were about spatial planning, asking questions  about an object in space. His work in plywood, sheet metal, perspex, primary colors in simple, unadorned geometric forms. Sometimes stacked, sometimes in rows, always satisfying and always beautiful.

This past weekend I was invited by Michaela of PARGY to hear one of the fabricators and collaborators of Judd's work, Peter Ballentine, Judd collaborator, fabricator, conservator and curator, at the Courtald Institute. An informative talk about nuances of how Judd worked. From there I followed up with a visit to the Spruth Magers Gallery to see the drawings of Judd and the order forms from the fabricators, that was amusing.

When I first came across Donald Judd's work the simplicity, materials, dimensions, and the spatial planning of the objects fascinated me. Minimalism. I find it simple, unfussy, honest about material,  and has had a profound influence in architecture and interior design.

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